Friday, February 6, 2009

Corrupt Federal Reserve.

The Federal Reserve is neither Federal nor a Reserve. Owned by a corrupt group of International Bankers, it is a privately owned monopoly, largely responsible for creating America's National Debt. It is also a parasitic and unnecessary entity that literally creates American currency out of nothing and then collects interest on the backs of taxpayers for doing so.


1. Illegal IRS: The Unmasked deceptions of the Internal Revenue Service which is privately owned and actually operates out of "Puerto Rico", with "agents" who represent them in the US (31 Questions and Answers with legal references):

2. Recommended Documentary: "America: From Freedom to Fascism"

3. The Shrinking Value of the Dollar:

4. Many homeless Middle Class are living in their cars; from a New York Times article story on the "mobile homeless":

5. "Former World Bank Vice President, Chief Economist and Nobel Prize winner Joseph Stiglitz has predicted a global economic crash"

6. "As the US current-account deficit rose over the past half-decade, international economists have lined up to predict doom" - J. Bradford DeLong, Professor of Economics & former Assistant US Treasury Secretary.

7. "The reason we cannot accomplish this seemingly simple task of balancing currency with production is that our government does not exercise its sovereign prerogative of controlling the money supply" --Business Week: by Mark Weisbrot

The Rothschilds of London and Berlin; Lazard Brothers of Paris; Israel Moses Seif of Italy; Kuhn, Loeb and Warburg of Germany; and the Lehman Brothers, Goldman Sachs and the Rockefeller families.

Friday, January 30, 2009

Money, Banking and the Federal Reserve

Thomas Jefferson and Andrew Jackson understood "The Monster". But to most Americans today, Federal Reserve is just a name on the dollar bill. They have no idea of what the central bank does to the economy, or to their own economic lives; of how and why it was founded and operates; or of the sound money and banking that could end the statism, inflation, and business cycles that the Fed generates.

Dedicated to Murray N. Rothbard, steeped in American history and Austrian economics, and featuring Ron Paul, Joseph Salerno, Hans Hoppe, and Lew Rockwell, this extraordinary new film is the clearest, most compelling explanation ever offered of the Fed, and why curbing it must be our first priority.

Alan Greenspan is not, we're told, happy about this 42-minute blockbuster. Watch it, and you'll understand why. This is economics and history as they are meant to be: fascinating, informative, and motivating. This movie could change America.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Federal Reserve Controls the Money.

suggest you really "Educate" yourself about how your world is really run. This Documentary is called "The Money Masters". It is 3.5 hrs long, so if you want to actually know what the "Federal Reserve" really is, I suggest you watch it. I will tell you this, it is not "Federal" (in Phonebook White Pages) and it has no "Reserves", nada. Scary you think? It is worse than you think, please watch it and pass it on...if we are to have a future. He who controls the money, controls the Country. You can view the entire video by following this link;

Friday, January 16, 2009

The Federal Reserve Scam

If you are an American, you owe it to yourself, your family, and your children to check out this clip from Zeitgeist - The Movie.

If you are not an American, and you are wondering why the United States is running around everywhere like the world's policeman, this clip might explain a few things as well.

So how did the Federal Reserve System get started? What is it? Why was it set up? Who is behind it? What has it meant for America? Is there gold backing the US dollar? Is ANYTHING backing the US dollar? What happened to America's gold? What does the Federal Reserve have to do with the new world order?